proso millet


Scientific name: Panicum miliaceum (L.)
Hindi name: Barree; Telugu name: Varigalu

Proso millet is a short season crop that grows in low rainfall areas. This millet
can be cultivated along with red gram, maize and sorghum. it releases energy
over a longer period of time after consumption allowing one to work from
morning to evening without getting tired. The same is not true with rice. This
has much protein crude fiber, minerals and calcium.

Health benefits of proso millet comes from its unique properties. It is
completely gluten free and has significant amounts of carbohydrate and fatty
acids. It is cheaper source of manganese as compared to other conventional
sources like spices and nuts. It contains high amounts of calcium which is
essential for bone growth and maintenance. It has been shown to reduce
cholesterol levels and also reduce the risk of heart diseases. It also prevents
breast cancer among other diseases.

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